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Newburgh Study - Metal Print

Newburgh Study - Metal Print

Regular price $130.00 USD
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The original study was painted from life, on t' spot, in t' field.

Non of this 'en plein air' nonsense in this part of Yorkshire where we like to tell it straight!

You will find the actual landscape up t'ill south of Newburgh Priory in North Yorkshire. Keep an eye out for pretentious types, wearing berets, they get all ovver t' show.

Your chosen size of artwork is brought to life with the stylish lines and added depth of a metal print. Your image gets printed directly onto a sheet of 1/16" thick aluminium.

The aluminium sheet is offset from the wall by a 3/4" thick wooden frame which is attached to the back.

The high gloss of the aluminium sheet complements the rich colours of any image to produce stunning results.

Med by a pretentious Yorkshireman.

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