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Neil McBride Art

Coffee break crossword

Coffee break crossword

Regular price $1,057.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $1,057.00 USD
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A coffee break crossword is synonymous with peace and tranquility.

We crossword puzzlers can identify with that.

This painting is a study of a woman at ease with her favourite coffee and a crossword at break time.

From an artistic point of view the painting is made up of the complementary colours of red and green. What does that mean I hear you say.

Here's a clue:–

The complementary colours of red and green are made up of the three primary colours of red, yellow and blue. Hence a full complement of colours! Not to be confused with complimentary colours which are something quite different.

Coffee anyone?

Coffee Break Crossword original acrylic painting on board.
Presented in a green, textured wooden frame.

Painting size: 30.5cm square
Framed size: 37.5cm square

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